Dr. Anjeanette Roberts:Why it is important to oppose Darwinism
Prof. Douglas Geivett: Evolution Is the Assumption of the Naturalists
Dr. Bijan Nemati talks about the special conditions that make the Earth habitable
Dr. Fazale Rana's Comments on the Idea of Theistic Evolution
Dr. Bijan Nemati Gives Examples of Fine-tuning in the Universe
Dr. David Snoke explains How Electrons Orbiting the Nucleus Never Fall Into the Nucleus
Kenneth Keathley: Why the Old Earth Creation Is True
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe
Dr. Fazale Rana: The Case for Biological Evolution Is Philosophical in Nature
Dr. Fazale Rana: What do fossils tell us What is the importance of Cambrian period fossils
3rd International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, April 28th, 2018-istanbul
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Is it in accordance with scientific methods to try to influence people with various unscientific propaganda methods and to conceal evident truths?
Prof. Douglas Geivett Talks on How Understanding Science Relates to Understanding the Creator
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Could the Immune System Have Come about Gradually
Dr. Hugh Ross: God Had a Purpose in Creating This Universe
The golden ratio
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Lecture During the 1st Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe Held by TBAV (24.08.2016 - Conrad)
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About Irreducibly Complex Systems
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Beautiful Phenomenon of Bioluminescence and The Magnificent Artistry of God
Dr. David Snoke, Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Perfect creation in the universe is not by chance
Dr. Carlo Cossano: Bacteria fossil is sufficient to witness that there is no gradual evolution
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about the Protection of the Earth in the Galaxy
Kenneth Keathley: Why Different Views on Creation of the Earth Does Not Contradict Creation of Adam As Complete Human Being?
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Protein Synthesis: The Queen Mother of All Chicken and Egg Problems"
Live Conversations of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Creationist Scientists from America and Italy, 20 May 2017
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Richard Dawkins says he does not want to live in Darwinist world where the strong oppresses the weak, so who does?
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: What harm does evolution theory and Darwinism have on humanity?
What Is Remarkable About Earth Is That All Of The Conditions That Have All The Different Amino Acids Interacting In These Very Complex Biomolecules
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Perfect Harmony in the Universe - Astrophysicist
Kenneth Keathley: Science Helps Us Understand God’s Creation
Prof. Douglas Geivett World Gives Evidences of the Existence of God
Professor Douglas Geivett talks on the evidences of Gods existence
Dr. Fazale Rana's Comments on Darwinist Education
Dr. Carlo Cossano: Is Cyanobacteria a simple organism?
For men of understanding - III (camouflage in the nature)
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: About the Big Bang
Dr.Fabrizio Fratus: “Did You Encounter Any Challenges Regarding Evolution in the Catholic World”
Kenneth Keathley: Nature Itself Shows There Is No Evolution
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts' Personal Motto