LA 7 TV Talks about the Impacts of Adnan Oktar's Bestseller "Islam Denounces Terrorism" in Italy
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Latest Statements about Mr. Adnan Oktar, Whom He Calls His "Spiritual (Manawi) Son"
Short Introduction - Adnan Oktar and His Works
Adnan Oktar’s Short Biography – October 2017
The Achievements God Predestined for Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar's Works in Numbers
Brief information about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Sheikh Yusuf Estes Is Talking about Mr. Adnan Oktar and His Works Part2
Swiss RSI TV Report the News of Harun Yahya's Book "Islam Denounces Terrorism" - August 2017
Who is Adnan Oktar (Replies to Aspersions)
Adnan Oktar's Biography
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Collection
Excerpt from his Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani's conversation about Mr. Adnan Oktar (January, 2010)
Esteemed Scholar Mehmet Talu’s Statements on Mr. Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel-October 2017
Sheikh Yusuf Estes Is Talking about Mr. Adnan Oktar and His Works Part1
Examples of Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Works of Art
The Views of Sheikh Abdul Wahid Pedersen from Denmark, Regarding Mr. Adnan Oktar and His Books.
Mr. Idris Tawfiq Is Talking about Mr. Adnan Oktar (Former Catholic Priest Muslim Writer and Speaker)
A life dedicated to earning God's approval... ADNAN OKTAR
Why do Mr. Adnan Oktar’s beautiful girl friends love him?
Adnan Oktar: I Have Over 300 Books That Are Translated in 73 Different Languages.
Harun Yahya Books in English
Mr. Ahmet Tamguney, Son of His Highness Ihsan Tamguney, the Sultan Father, Conveys Sultan Father's Opinions about Mr.Adnan Oktar.
Mr. Adnan Oktar Was Absolved of All Charges Brought Against Him
Adnan Oktar: I Was Acquitted of All the Lawsuits Filed Against Me, My Criminal Record Is Clean
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Assignee Sheikh Ahmet Yasin's conversation with Mr.Adnan Oktar's followers
Adnan Oktar's Message for 'A Call for Unity' at the Times Square in New York
Adnan Oktar, A Life Dedicated to God
How Does Adnan Oktar Write so Many Books?
The Views of Sheikh Haldun, Sheikh Nazim's Representative in France, Regarding Mr. Adnan Oktar
His highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin is talking about the pedigree of the staff he has presented to Mr. Adnan Oktar as a gift
David Spady’s Impression about Mr. Adnan Oktar, A9 TV and Turkey
Dr. Fazale Rana Speaks about Mr. Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel - Agu 2017
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: About Mr. Adnan Oktar's Works
The international works of Mr. Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano’s Opinions about Mr. Adnan Oktar