Hundreds of thousands of asteroids ready to hit the earth at any moment have surrounded it like a cloud
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Latest Statements about Mr. Adnan Oktar, Whom He Calls His "Spiritual (Manawi) Son"
There is a mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle and the difficulties he will face -2-
The timing of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) 3
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be victorious in his struggle, not through extraordinary attributes that eliminate the use of free will, but by means of his faith, reason, conscience and moral virtues
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will come in this century and all people will know him from the signs in the hadiths
There are two moles on Hazret Mahdi's (as) body, both the same color as those of our Prophet (saas)
How will the Islamic world recognize Hazrat Mahdi (as) ?
The birth of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a mark (scar) on his forehead
Events that will take place after "The Sun rises in the west"
What did Muhammed Nur, Mayor of Mogadishu, Governor of Benadir Region, Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Heikki Tuunanen, Foreign Ministry of Finland say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Hazrat Mahdi will wage his struggle in the midst of the 'end times', the most troubled age there has ever been
What did Park Kijun, Director in Ministry of Foreign Affairs said for Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Iman Icar, Deputy Mayor of Mogadishu, Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
The Earth is under the threat of meteors
What did Abdel Hadi Argandiwa, Minister of Economy, Afghanistan say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Alex Rondo, Special Representative of European Union of World of Africa say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Sheikh Nazim Kibrisi explains that the life span of the Muslim community will not exceed 1500 years
The Superior Characteristics of the Followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) - 4 -
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet -18 Conflicts in Damascus, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
The timing of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) 1
The mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek resembles that of the Prophet Moses (as)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a light beard, thin at the sides and long at the front
The mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek protrudes from it
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) eyebrowns are curved
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) beard is black
The periods of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) general appearance
Allah's promise is a certain fact
The timing of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) 2
By saying that ''unbelief's back has been broken,'' Bediuzzaman means that ''the influence of unbelief has declined.'' Unbelief will come to an intellectual end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
Excerpt from his Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani's conversation about Mr. Adnan Oktar (January, 2010)
What did Mehrez Ben Rhouma, Ambassador of Tunisia to the Turkish Republic say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Shabrahman Muhammad Cibril, Member of the Movement for Change say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Abdurrahman Osman, Senior Advisor of President of Somalia, Government Spokesperson say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Faduma Muhammed, Executive Director of Labour Community Services, Canada say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Faysal Hayle, Member of Parliament of Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?